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Student of the D.R.S.S.
Niels Sondergaard's
"Working with others."
At the D.R.S.S., one of our 5 Qualities is Collaboration. The school defines Collaboration as consolidating a group of people toward the completion of a common goal. At the D.R.S.S., we mostly use Collaboration to work together in projects. Working in projects is a commonly used skill at our school, due to the fact that most of our work at school is projects. At the D.R.S.S., we believe collaborating with others towards a goal is an important skill to have in almost all careers. We hope our graduates use Collaboration to consolidate with a group of people to reach a common goal or find the solution to a problem.

I believe football is a good symbol for Collaboration because football players require strict teamwork based on previous plans with their teammates to win.
Football picture borrowed from
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