Student of the D.R.S.S.
Niels Sondergaard's
The internship experience was a project that all high school students at the D.R.S.S. had to complete before graduating. This experience allowed students to explore career paths by working with an organization or group that includes their careers of interest. To do this project, students had to reach out to local businesses to arrange an internship. These students also had to find a mentor to work under and complete a related task or project unique to the internship. After finding a location, students had to fill out an Internship Contract with the school to officiate the process. Within the internship, students had to complete at least 72 hours of experience. Furthermore, students had to write a daily report of what they did at their internship and include at least one picture or visual representation to show what they did. Finally, students had to reflect on their experience at the end of their internship through an essay. Through this experience, students would have the opportunity to explore careers that interest them and gain actual experience with their possible careers.
Career Exploration Report
The purpose of the career exploration report was to aid students in researching information about possible careers that students could pursue, in addition to possible internships associated with the career. The career exploration report was completed through a process of research, reflection and organization. First, research about possible careers and internships was explored using career-exploring and internship-exploring websites. In this career exploration report, the careers orthodontist and pediatrician were researched. Information about the careers’ job outlook, salary, necessary skills, education, and availability were found. In addition, two internships for either career were discovered in the local area. Based on the research and previous personal requirements, the careers orthodontist and pediatrician were found suitable. Then, a reflection over the process of the career exploration report was written. The reflection was written about the importance of the career exploration report to the student, in addition to plans for the future in regards to further steps and usability of the career exploration report. Finally, the career report was organized to fit associated formatting requirements. The career exploration report was formatted to look more professional and clean. After the career exploration report was written, the next steps after the career exploration report are to contact local businesses willing to provide internship opportunities, in addition to researching into colleges that provide the necessary education and majors for the chose careers.
Daily Reports
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a molar sealing procedure, two crowning procedures, and a regular checkup. Dr. McClure taught me many vocabulary words that he suggested I memorize, as well as the numbering of teeth. Dr. McClure also talked to me about skills and education I wanted to develop or pursue if I wanted to do dentistry. I was at my internship for 5 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform an amalgam filling procedure, a filling readjustment procedure, a relating acrylic procedure, a crown replacement procedure, and 11 regular checkups. Dr. McClure taught me further vocabulary, in addition to further information relating to charts and orderings in dentistry. Finally, I learned how to sterilize instruments. I was at my internship for 9 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a molar sealing procedure, a crown replacement procedure, an extraction procedure, and 16 regular checkups. Dr. McClure taught me new vocabulary words related to dentistry and some information related to aspects of dentistry and differences in past dentistry to modern dentistry. In addition, I officially helped sterilize instruments and seat patients. I was at my internship for 8 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a gum line composite procedure, three amalgam filling procedures, a crown preparation procedure, a bonding procedure, and 9 regular checkups. Dr. McClure taught me some new vocabulary and terms, but I mostly learned about the processes of some of the procedures. I also helped sterilize instruments, seat patients, and process radiographs. I was at my internship for 9 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform an amalgam filling procedure, a crown replacement procedure, and two regular checkups. Dr. McClure taught me how to clean and polish dentures, even though the denture cleaning procedure did not happen today. I helped mildly with sterilizing instruments, and processing radiographs. I was at my internship for 5 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a crown replacement procedure, the first part of a root canal procedure, a problem checking procedure, and 17 regular checkups. While I learned some new vocabulary words, I mostly observed procedures and helped the business. I mostly sterilized instruments to help the business. I was at my internship for 8 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a denture check procedure, a molar sealing procedure, a partial filling procedure, two crown replacement procedures, three fluoride treatment procedures, and seven regular checkups. I mostly observed procedures and assisted the business with its simpler activities. Most of my help was from sterilizing instruments. I was at my internship for 5 hours.
After returning from holiday with family, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a splint adjustment procedure, five composite filling procedures, and nine regular checkups. I learned a small amount of information about dental disorders, but otherwise mostly observed procedures. I also reviewed information that I learned previously and assisted in sterilizing instruments. I was at my internship for 8 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a barrier base filling procedure, a bunch splint procedure, a splint adjustment procedure, two crown replacement procedures, and eight regular checkups. In addition, I witnessed Dr. McClure trim teeth molds and polish splints. I took some notes about procedure steps and I assisted in sterilizing instruments. I was at my internship for 4 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform a crown replacement procedure, two bridge procedures, one tooth removal procedure, and 13 regular checkups. I asked Dr. McClure questions about alginate impression materials and composite fillings because I researched those concepts as homework. I learned some new vocabulary, I reviewed how to fix radiographs, and I assisted in sterilization. I was at my internship for 8 hours.
Today, I watched Dr. McClure and dental hygienists perform an impression procedure, a composite filling procedure, a partial adjustment procedure, two crown readjustment procedures, and 14 regular checkups. I witnessed Dr. McClure take an impression in greater detail than my previous exposure to impressions in addition to witnessing some crown and partial procedures. Otherwise, I recorded new vocabulary words and assisted with sterilization. I was at my internship for 8 hours.
Dentistry Day 1

Plastic Tooth Models Created By Dr. McClure (Necessary For His Dental Education).

Crown Mold Top View.

Crown Mold Closer View.

Plastic Tooth Models Created By Dr. McClure (Necessary For His Dental Education).
Dentistry Day 2

Scalers And Other Dental Materials.

Scaler 1.

Scaler 4.

Scalers And Other Dental Materials.
Dentistry Day 3

Secondary Sterilization Machine.

Extracted Tooth Close View.

Sealed Sterilized Instruments.

Secondary Sterilization Machine.
Dentistry Day 4

Complete Set Of Dental Instruments.

Sample Patient's Radiograph.

Complete Set Of Dental Instruments.
Dentistry Day 5

Sample Patient's Dentures Front View.

Clay Mold For Crown Replacement.

Denture Polisher.

Sample Patient's Dentures Front View.
Dentistry Day 6

Different Drill Heads.

Collection Of Drill Heads.

Different Drill Heads.
Dentistry Day 7

Fluoride Treatment Mouthpiece.

Unprocessed Radiograph Top View.

Unprocessed Radiograph Side View.

Fluoride Treatment Mouthpiece.
Dentistry Day 8

Lidocaine, A Numbing Agent Commonly Used In Composite Fillings.

Lidocaine Package.

Splint Adjustment Mold Front View.

Lidocaine, A Numbing Agent Commonly Used In Composite Fillings.
Dentistry Day 9

Sealing Foam Model In Cement Base.

Formation Of The Cement Base Bottom Of The Sealing Foam Model.

Finished Cement Model.

Sealing Foam Model In Cement Base.
Dentistry Day 10

Crown Sealing Material.

Shade Charts For Crown Colors.

Crown Sealing Material.
Dentistry Day 11

Impression Powder.

Incomplete Impression Mold.

Impression Powder.
Internship Reflection
When I started my internship, I was unsure what to expect. Since I had an interest in dentistry or orthodontics as possible careers, I interned at a local dentist office to observe how it felt to be a dentist. I knew the fundamental components of being a dentist, and I learned through my career exploration report more facts about dentistry, like its average salary or its job availability, but I lacked information about the finer details of dentistry. As I started my internship, I hoped to learn more about dentistry as a possible career, and decide whether dentistry was the right career path to follow. In the end, I found clear results to my goals.
At the beginning of the internship, I was mostly uninvolved. Each day of my internship, I would drop off my backpack, grab my notes, watch my mentor, Dr. McClure, perform operations, eat lunch during the midday break, and continue observing Dr. McClure perform procedures until the dentist’s office closed. After the first week of being an intern, dentistry felt slightly boring. As I watched Dr. McClure perform operations, I took notes over the steps and other information of the procedures. While I was interested to learn more about each of the operations that Dr. McClure performed, watching procedures and taking notes started to disinterest me, especially since the same operations often occurred several times on a daily basis. Each day had at least eight regular checkups, one crown readjustment, and one composite filling; I could only write so much about the procedures on a daily basis.
Since I started to lose my interest in dentistry, Dr. McClure assigned a task to me to regain my curiosity for the subject. Even though this was not exactly a project, Dr. McClure told me to research further into dentistry on my own. Nearly every day, Dr. McClure would ask me questions to look into at home to discuss during the day after. These questions varied from simple inquiries (such as “What are deciduous teeth?” or “What are the numberings of the teeth?”) to complex prompts (such as “What is alginate compression material, what is it composed of, how is it used and why is it so useful?”). Even though the research topics were sometimes quite shallow or plain, this endeavor helped return my excitement for dentistry. The more that I engaged myself in dentistry, the more that I wanted to learn, which fueled my fascination with dentistry. Furthermore, my task helped me learn much more about dentistry than I could only learn through the internship.
In addition to my assignment, I also aided Dr. McClure and the dental technicians with some of the daily parts of dentistry, like sterilizing instruments and developing X-Ray photographs, also known as radiographs. About halfway into the internship, Dr. McClure allowed me to assist in cleaning the dental utensils, like scalers, mirrors and explorers. The process for cleaning the instruments was quite easy. First, all the materials would pass through the preliminary sterilization device, which was effectively a vibrating box filled with boiling water. After preliminary sterilization, the materials would dry off and prepare for bagging. The materials had to be in specific sets during the bagging for Dr. McClure and the dental technicians to use. After proper bagging, the materials would pass through the secondary sterilization device, which was effectively a machine that steamed the materials inside the bag. Finally, after cooling, the materials were ready for use again. In addition to sterilization, I also aided Dr. McClure and the dental technicians in preparing and cleaning radiographs. Even though modern dentists use digital pictures of essays instead of physical photographs, I learned how to process radiographs anyways. To prepare an radiograph, I soaked pictures with photographic developer for five minutes in a darkroom, then soaked the pictures in water for another five minutes, and finally cleaned off the film. I enjoyed these activities, since they engaged me and increased my interest in dentistry. More importantly, these activities helped prepare me to become a dentist. From these devices and activities, I learned and practiced how to sterilize tools and finish producing radiographs, activities I would need to perform on a daily basis if I were a dentist.
By the end of the internship, experienced much more about dentistry. Where I had entered with only a small amount of knowledge, I left with much more information about many aspects of dentistry. From this internship, I learned the number classifications of teeth, names for areas of the teeth, each type of tooth, and many other pieces of dental content. Furthermore, I delved more into the skills and qualifications needed to become a dentist, the various operations a dentist performs, and the other duties a dentist performs beyond cleaning teeth. However, I think this internship benefited me most from its effect on my future. I was interested in dentistry coming into the internship, but I was unsure if I truly wanted to pursue dentistry. At the end of the internship, I felt strongly about pursuing dentistry and orthodontics more than other fields of medicine, like pediatrics or ophthalmology. My internship greatly defined my plans for my future. While I occasionally found dentistry to be dull, I enjoyed witnessing Dr. McClure perform procedures and I did not mind helping with the smaller tasks, like sterilization or radiograph development. In addition, my mentor suggested colleges to explore if I wished to pursue dentistry, such as the University of Dayton and the Ohio State University. I could realistically see myself in the future as a dentist or an orthodontist after taking part in this internship. For these reasons, I am glad to have participated in my internship, and I think I could not have made my decision to continue exploring dentistry without it.