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"The various things I do."

This is my Experience Page. This page includes my interests and hobbies. In addition, this page also includes extracurricular activities. My experiences include:

  • Fencing: When I started fencing in 4th Grade, I quickly fell in love with the sport. Unlike other sports I encountered as a child, fencing seemed to require as much of a sharp mind as a healthy body. Fencing also helped form my personality to what it is today, since I developed much of my work ethic and personal beliefs from fencing. Even though I have not fenced in a long time, I still love the sport to this day.

  • Artwork: I have drawn for as long as I can remember. My art serves me as a medium for my Creativity and a tool to remove stress. I sometimes draw to think of ideas for stories or characters, but I mostly use art to take a break from my busy life. Even though I have no classically training, I view myself as a quite good artist. Regardless of who I am in the future or what job I pursue, I will always love to draw.


Apart from my hobbies, I also participate in events beyond my school:

  • Science Fair: In my 9th Grade Year and my 10th Grade Year, I participated in Science Fair as a part of my Honors Science Classes. In my 9th Grade Year, I performed an experiment over people's perception of time based upon mental stimulation. In my 10th Grade Year, I performed an experiment over people's reaction times based on their attention to electric devices. I never got first place with either of my experiments, but I can assuredly say that I had fun and learned new things through the experiences.

  • Church: During my 9th Grade Year, I confirmed to the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dayton. To confirm, I learned what it meant to be a Presbyterian, in addition to what it meant to be a Christian. I also participated in community service and volunteering to confirm. Now, at the church, I mostly work at the church's nursery, where I help entertain the church's toddlers. I also participated in community service through a church program called Done-In-A-Day.

  • Key Club: In my 11th Grade Year, I joined the Kiwanis (or Key) Club at my school. Within in the club, I helped raise money towards charities, and helped perform community service to help the needy in the community. I had to leave the organization in my 12th Grade Year due to a lack of time, but I do not regret joining the organization. In fact, I miss being in Key Club, and participating in its charity events and volunteering opportunities.

  • National Honor Society: I joined National Honor Society (or NHS) in my 11th Grade Year and continued it in my 12th Grade Year. In NHS, I organized school events and aided the local community through volunteering and community service. I enjoyed helping others through the organization, but I always felt that the organization gave me more opportunities to help the school than the community.

My experiences made me a better student in different ways, but mostly by helping me grow in either qualities or good character traits. Through fencing, I learned Persistence and patience. Through sketching, I grew in my Creativity. Through Science Fair, I grew in Inquiry and learned to act independently. Finally, through Church, I learned a small amount of all the Qualities, as well morality.

Fencing Gear.
Science Fair.
Church Confirmation.
Kiwanis Club.
National Honor Society.

In addition to my academic performance, my Resume also includes my hobbies and extracurriculars. Furthermore, my Internship experience also share valuable experiences.

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