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"The beginning of the Portfolio."

Through my time here as a 7th Grader at STEM, I believe that I grew in the quality Communication the most. In STEM, having good Communication is important because at STEM, we rely a lot on critique of others work and the opinions of each of the individual students in order to make good quality in work or to fix a problem. I used Communication in almost all of my classes and more than I did than in any of the other qualities. This gave me plenty of time to grow and improve in it, while still improving the other qualities. Also, I incorporate Communication into the other qualities the most, especially with Creativity, Inquiry and Collaboration, usually through talking. A good example of when I grew in Communication through school is the Jump Rope Routine. This can be found in my Wellness and Fitness Reflection. In the Jump Rope Routine, I needed to communicate with my partner to figure out what jump rope skills we could both do, and with Communication I found a way to do it. A good example of when I grew in Communication through my life out of school is my comics. By showing my comics to my brothers and asking for their feedback, I grow in my Communication skill. Overall, I think all my growth in Communication this year has helped me be a better student and a better person.

Greatest Growth Of The Year

In this class, I learn about health and  wellness, but also do exercises with our teacher, Mrs. Curran. I make it sound boring, but its really fun! You really need to get through difficulties in this class to succeed...

In this class, I learn how to be professional in our work, learn important skills and work with other classes with our teacher, Ms. Whitman-Allen (Ms. WA). You can only find this class at STEM, hence the name. You really need to think of ideas in this class to succeed...



Wellness and Fitness entry.

STEM Foundations entry.

In this class, I work through calcuations and learn need-to-know math skills with our teacher, Mrs. Thompson. This is different from other math classes because we do projects in our class, not just boring, old math problems. You really need to work with others  in this class to succeed...


Mathematics entry.

I don't mean to offend any teacher who was not included as being a good teacher who is a good teacher (so, all of my teachers).

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