Student of the D.R.S.S.
Niels Sondergaard's
"The creator."
This is my portrait. I had this portrait taken during my 10th Grade Year.
Hello. Welcome to my (Niels Sondergaard’s) Portfolio. I am a recent graduate of the D.R.S.S. (Dayton Regional STEM School) pursuing dentistry as a possible career. In this Portfolio, I talk about my experiences at the D.R.S.S. and how those experiences molded me into who I am today. At my school, I usually grew in one of the school's 5 Qualities.
To those who do not know, I am Niels Liam Sondergaard. I am very smart, but kind of shy. I try to be a good student and a hard worker. I enjoy fencing, sketching, and other activities. Most importantly, I am the creator, keeper and protector of this website.
The 5 Qualities are qualities that we try to embody at our school. They help us become better students and better people.
Background borrowed from wallpaperpics.net. Beginning picture borrowed from scitechdaily.com.