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Genius Hour Project.

This is my page for the Genius Hour Project. The Genius Hour Project was a project we did mostly in Language Arts and STEM Foundations where we researched a driving question and then made a product at the end in order to help solve whatever problem or question we had. My question was "How can I introduce Kindergarteners to Science using a Science Kit Within a budget?" To solve this, I first researched a lot at school on what I needed to have in my Science Kit in order to introduce Science to the Kindergarteners. I planned on teaching the Kindergarteners Science Experiments about Physics, Chemistry and Biology so that I could excite them to learn about different Science fields in the future. I researched a lot of this information at school, and I used a lot of my "20% time" (or the time I had at school each week) to do so. I mostly used the Internet in the form of Search Engines to find the information I needed. When I found websites that seemed accurate and reliable, I stored all the information I had in my Language Arts Notebook. Although my ideas weren't exactly original, and I know other people tried to make Science Kits to excite Kindergarteners, I tried to be different with my methods by making my Science Kit safe to be used by Kindergarteners and able to be easily reused. I did this by finding experiments with common household items as materials. In general, I had mostly sucess in trying to find information for my Science Kit. The only obstacle I had was trying to find good websites for finding experiments under my time limit. I easily overcame this obstacle by staying Persistent and using any free time I had to focus on the experiments.

As a result of all my research and of my extra 20% time, I was able to make my product of my Genius Hour Project, which is my Science Kit. Above and next to this text are two pictures of my Science Kit. First, I started on this Science Kit by using my 20% time to make the Science Kit Documents for the Experiments, Introduction and Item Price List. Afterwards, I spent nearly all of my other time at home working on the Science Kit. After I got all of the Word Documents done, I found a box for the Science Kit and then assembled the materials. It was slightly difficult at first, and then really easy afterwards, which is the way I intended it to be. After I had assembled a first draft of the Science Kit, I had my mom (who is a Kindergarten teacher) critique it. Finally, based on the critque I got, I made a final, well made draft of my Science Kit. Like with my research, I had mostly sucess when trying to make my Science Kit. The only obstacle I faced when trying to make this Science Kit was finding time out of my busy schedule to complete it. To accomplish this obstacle, I made a list of my top priorities on what I needed to get done for the Science Kit, and then organized all of my other work so that I could get everything done. Now, reflecting on the end of this project, I don't think I learned as much from this project as I did grow from it. The experiments I researched told me things that I already knew. On the other hand, I think I grew from all manner of skills (such as time management or organizational skills) in order to complete this project. Although, I'm actually glad that I grew from this project even if I didn't learn anything because I can use the skills that I grew in like time management or organizational skills in the future, whether that is high school, college, a career or all of them combined.

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