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"The unit where we learned about family words and occupation words in Chinese."

After getting growth in time management skills from projects like the Model Car Project, I was able to work more efficiently by doing my classwork only at school and my other work that did not have to be done at school at home. I was also able to use my time management skills outside of school to plan my work for projects. As a result, I got extra time to work on projects at home by getting my work done earlier. I excelled by using this strategy for projects and units that I had in the future, especially to get assignments done early and to have time to study. One project where I excelled a lot from the extra time from my time management skills was the Chinese Quarter 2 Grammar Unit. To those who do not know, the Chinese Quarter 2 Grammar Unit was, hence the name, the Grammar Unit we had in Quarter 2 of Chinese Class. This endeavor was a unit, not a project, so we learned more than we did projects. The Lesson that we learned during this unit was Lesson 2: Family. In this unit, we learned Chinese words, characters and Pinyin over the names of family members and occupations (to those who do not know, Pinyin is the English letters of Chinese words that show how the word is said and what tones it has). We started off learning from the first dialogue. In the first dialogue, we mainly learned family words, like “mother” (妈妈, Mama), “father” (爸爸, Baba), “older sister” (姐姐, Jiejie), “son” (儿子, Er Zi), “daughter” (女儿, Nv Er), “younger brother” (弟弟, Didi), and “oldest brother” (大哥, Da Ge). After studying the Pinyin, English meaning, and characters of the words, we had a quiz over the words to show that we remembered them. We also learned some other words such as “he/him” (他, Ta), “that” (那, Na), “she/her” (她, Ta), “child” (孩子, Hai Zi), and “to have” (有, You). After we learned the words of the first dialogue and took the quiz, we learned the words of the second dialogue. That dialogue had some more family words, like “older brother” (哥哥, Gege) and “younger sister” (妹妹, Meimei), but mostly occupational words, like “to do” (做, Zuo), “work” (工作, Gong Zuo), “lawyer” (律师, Lv Shi), “doctor” (医生, Yi Sheng), and “college student” (大学生, Da Xue Sheng). After learning those words, we took another quiz over the content. The final part of the unit was doing a Unit Test overall all of the words and content we learned. We did various assignments and packets to help us remember the words and phrases better. The unit did not really have an end result, unless it is the Unit Test. I believe that I excelled through this project by studying and memorization. In this endeavor, I would define excelling as remembering and understanding the content, which in this case, I did through studying and memorization. In the past, I was not very good at topics such as languages or U.S. History because I had a hard time memorizing information. I have a harder time even today in remembering specific facts compared to content like skills learned in class. The way I was able to actually remember the words was by studying the content at home until I had memorized enough where I could easily remember the content. However, I also believe that I excelled by studying due to my time management skills as well. I believe this because by using my time management skills to organize my schedule, I got the means to study at home. Using my time management skills, I got all of my homework done earlier as I got home, so that I would have more time in the evening and at night to study. From this study time, I did well on the later assessments in the unit, especially with the Lesson 2 Dialogue 1 Quiz and the Lesson 2 Unit Test. The Lesson 2 Dialogue 1 Quiz was, hence the name, the quiz we took over the content we learned from the first dialogue of Lesson 2. This quiz had questions on it referring to the family words learned in the first dialogue, such as “older sister”, “oldest brother” and “little brother”, and it asked for the characters and Pinyin of the words. Although this is a minor example of my excelling, it is an artifact of my growth because it is one of the first major examples of my excelling. In the previous lesson, I did not do well on the quizzes over the dialogues. I would do well enough, but never a perfect score. For this quiz, I got a 24/24. I was able to so well because I studied, and I could study by organizing my time. This artifact does not show as much excelling, but it shows my positive change from my growth. The Lesson 2 Unit Test was the test we took over all of the content we had learned from Lesson 2. The unit test was more complex than the previous quizzes over the Pinyin and characters of words. The unit test included parts like listening comprehension (translating the Chinese words by hearing them instead of looking at them), true-or-false questions, multiple choice, and sentence writing. The reason why I believe that this artifact shows my excellence is because I got an above average score on it and I was able to use different strategies from my extra time to help me study. The score I got from the test was a 64/60 points, and I got this score from being able to study. I also had enough free time to study in different ways to help my understanding of the content. I used strategies like looking back at mistakes I had done in the past, and having others quiz me as I also quizzed myself. All of this was from the extra time that I got from my time management growth. This endeavor showed that I was more prepared for the 9th Grade Year. Most importantly, I was able to grow in my time management skills, which would help me for the rest of the year, especially as work got more difficult and more numerous. However, I also think that I excelled in better understanding of Chinese Language, along with growing a little it in Persistence. These skills would help me do well in the rest of the 9th Grade Year, but also to become closer to being a 10th Grader.

L2D1 Quiz

This is my Lesson 2 Dialogue 1 Quiz.

Lesson 2 Unit Test

This is my Lesson 2 Unit Test.

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