Student of the D.R.S.S.
Niels Sondergaard's
"The project where we used our engineering skills to reverse engineer a toy car."
I was not as successful at the beginning of the 2017 9th Grade. My major issue was that I was unprepared for the amount of work required to do 9th Grade work. I was used to spending less time on projects and homework in 8th Grade, so I was caught off-guard and did not do well with some of my earlier projects, such as the Puzzle Cube Project. I realized that this was a problem, and I started to work more towards getting better at the skill of time management. One of the major projects where I started to grow in time management skills was the Model Car Project. To those who do not know, the Model Car Project was a project that we did solely in Introduction to Engineering and Design in 2nd Quarter. The point of this project was to act as an assessment for all of the skills we learned in I.E.D., except for the wood-working skills we learned to only work on the Puzzle Cube Project. Specifically, the goal of this project was to make reverse engineer a toy car using Autodesk Inventor. This was a group project, so we were split into teams of two (sometimes, teams of three). Once we were assigned a car to reverse engineer, we first drew isometric sketches of the car to base our parts made in Autodesk Inventor off of. In these sketches, we included various measurements of the parts, including lengths, hole diameters, and depth, along with multiple perspectives of the piece in order to recreate the piece in Autodesk Inventor as close to the original piece as possible. After making the isometric sketches, we began creating the pieces in Autodesk Inventor. While working on making the pieces, we learned skills in Autodesk that we would need to learn to create our pieces. We learned skills like Extruding, and then Cut Extruding. In Autodesk Inventor, Extruding is when a shape of a surface extends, gaining height and becoming three-dimensional. Similarly to how Extruding was adding mass as a certain shape above the piece, Cut Extruding was cutting a hole into the piece as a certain shape. We did not learn as many topics in this project due to the fact that a lot of the skills we learned were from the Puzzle Cube Project. In my group, I did the front piece, the middle piece, the axles, the tires and the connectors of the cars. The axles were the parts of the car that connected the wheels to the front and rear pieces. There were two types of connectors: male connectors and female connectors. The male connectors were the pieces of the car that connected with the female connectors to keep the front piece, middle piece and back piece holding together. My partner did the rear piece, the top, and the tires. After we created the pieces, we attached them to each other through an assembly. Throughout the process, we had many revisions and small assignments to help better our pieces. Our final of this project was the final assembly of our Model Car. I believe that I grew in this project because I had change in my time management skill from the beginning of the project to the end of the project. At the beginning of the project, I still had poor time management skills. The first thing I worked on in the project was the front piece of the car. As I worked on the piece, I did not entirely know how to recreate the car part on Autodesk Inventor, so I experimented in order to find the type of look that the most similar. The problem with doing this was that I was using all of my time in class that we had to work on the car experimenting, usually without any good results, which meant that I was not getting as far on the piece. For example, the placing of the holes was a large problem for me. I could not work on the piece at home because I was not allowed to bring the measurements or model car outside of school. All of this resulted in me being behind on my schedule of getting the piece done. So, I started to think of plans as to how I would be able to complete the piece. Since this was a group project, I Collaborated with my partner in class to decide how I would stay on track, and I asked questions to my teacher to help me understand solutions to problems when I got stuck. With my partner, I thought of various strategies to help me get back on schedule. One of the major strategies I used was simply to assign myself goals as to what I would have to do for the day. As I incorporated these strategies into my schedule, I got more on track of my goals. By assigning all of my work that I could only do in class to do in class, with all of the work that I could do at home for homework, I got all of the work that I was supposed to do done. I felt that I was more efficient as I implemented time management strategies. By the end of the project, I was able to get all of the pieces that I was supposed to do done on time. My two artifacts of this experience, my Autodesk Car Part Front and my Autodesk Complete Car Assembly, help convey or explain my growth. The Autodesk Car Part Front was the first part of the model car that I worked on in Autodesk Inventor. This piece was one of the most detailed of the pieces due to the fact of all of its curves and holes. This piece explains my growth more than conveys it. This piece explains my growth from the process of making the piece. At the beginning of the piece, I was unable to meet a lot of my goals for what had to be done for the piece because I did not organize my time in class. I only focused on my problems rather than moving forward and wasted a lot of time doing things in class that I could do at home. One of the major problems I had was creating the curves on the front of the piece, but also aligning the small cut on the sides of the piece with the other pieces that were already made. Once I started implementing the time management strategies, I was able to start to get more on track with my work. I was still busy from all of the stuff I had to get done, but I had goals for me to complete daily in order to catch up on my work. I had to work hard with the time I had left to get done with the work I needed to do, and by the end, I was able to get myself back on schedule and I worked efficiently to complete my piece. That is why this artifact helps explain my growth. This artifact represents the solutions to the problems that I had at the beginning of the project through the growth gotten from changing my process to improve my time management. The Autodesk Car Assembly was the final product of the Model Car Project. This artifact more conveys my growth rather than explain it. This artifact conveys my growth because it shows the success I have gotten from my growth of time management in the project. By growing in time management skills, I was able to do my work more effectively and on time. I was able to have my work be better craftsmanship in the past parts of the project, as can be seen in this artifact. The artifact was able to have a lot of detail added to it with the extra time gotten from organizing the time to work earlier, especially with the tread on the wheel, which was an extra credit part of the project. This artifact does not show my growth as well just on its own, but when compared to the beginning parts of the project, and even the final products of the past, like with the Puzzle Cube Project, it shows that clear change has occurred to create the piece. Through this project, I grew in my time management skills, but I also grew in other skills and qualities as well. Through this experience, I grew a little bit more in my skill with using the program Autodesk Inventor, but more importantly, I grew in qualities such as Collaboration, Inquiry, and Persistence. I grew in Collaboration by working with my partner to get through the project. Instead of ignoring each other and working on separate parts of the project, we spoke and helped each other when it was necessary. We also held our promises to get to a certain point in the project together as a team. I grew in Inquiry (and a little bit of Creativity) by thinking of questions to help find solutions to problems I had, and to think of new ways of how to improve past work done on the project. I especially grew in Persistence in this project to help get myself through all of the work that I had fallen behind on in the short amount of time that I had to do it. Overall, I grew a lot from this project, and by growing, I think I was able to succeed in my future projects.
This is my Autodesk Car Part Front.

This is my Complete Autodesk Car Assembly.